The easiest way to personalize your office is with custom printed  office products WOWing customers for over 30 years

Designery Sign Company BBB Business Review

Office Products

deSIGNery Sign Company has everything you need to personalize your office and promote your company identity with everything from appointment cards, calendar strips, mouse pads and shipping labels. Call us for any out-of-the-box ideas you come up with including that 2025 Calendar Strip and our staff will work with you on the most economical way to finalize your thoughts into products.

Keyboard Calendar

With endless possibilities to size and design of your keyboard calendar, you can be sure that it will be one of a kind. These keyboard calendar strips can be easily applied to your computer monitor or keyboard and removed with leaving little to no adhesive behind. deSIGNery offers the keyboard calendars strip in a horizontal and vertical layout for monitor calendars, and can also start on a specific month. Now available in beautiful full color printing or spot color.

2025 Calendar Strip

deSIGNery Sign Company is a supplier of high quality custom screen-printed and full color 2025 calendar strip stickers.

This office product is printed on pressure-sensitive white vinyl and is easily applied and removed from any smooth surface. Our custom calendar strips can show any year and start with any month, example 2025 Calendar starting with August and running thru July of the following year.

During your work day, you may ask yourself more than once what day of the month it is or what is the date next Thursday, a quick look at the calendar strip on your keyboard is the fastest method and also puts your company name in front of your customer 24/7/365. Click here to get started.

Appointment cards

Every place of business has business cards. It serves as a reminder for people that need quick access to your phone number or address or to pass onto interested parties. An alternative to this would be appointment cards., these custom printed cards come with a peel-off stickers for easy application to desk calendars and other visual areas for reminders.

Our appointment cards are 2" x 3½" and have an area for the business to white in time and date of next visit. Choose from one of our 10 stock die-cut appointment cards shown here.

How convenient is that! Order your appointment cards today..

30 Year Experience

At we have been printing custom office products for more than 30 years Let us know how we can kelp you with your next 2025 calendar strip, appointment card or any of the products shown here.

A+ BBB Rating

BBB Member since 2004 with a proven record of satisfied customer with no complaints. Click on the BBB logo at the top of the page to check our impeccable record.

Our Winter Sales Event

Don't miss out on these great savings during our Winter sale on popular items including but not limited to appointment cards and calendar strips.